When is the best time to plan your next interior painting project?

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Planning Your Next Interior Project

Planning your next interior project? Many of our customers have asked us in the past about the best time to plan an interior painting project.

We normally say the earlier you start planning and consulting a painting company the better off you will be. The longer time you give yourself, the better you can get prepared. You must plan to declutter, choose and sample colors, and consult with your painting contractors to get on their calendar. If possible, plan to paint the rooms you absolutely need done right away, and leave basement or guest rooms for winter months.

Most painting companies and contractors are busy with exterior projects during Spring, Summer, and Fall and are willing to give you a discount to fill their winter schedule.Many homeowners, especially with young kids, are concerned about the smell of paint when planning the interior painting. Especially not being able to open windows due to cold weather.

Zero or Low VOC?

In general, interior painting requires airing out the rooms for few days. However, using ZERO or LOW VOC (volatile organic compounds) paints could virtually eliminate any smell and odor of paint. ZERO and LOW VOC paints are “green” paints that don’t release harmful gasses and chemicals that VOC paints used to in the old days. There are also low-VOC paints which contain less than 100 mg of VOCs. Although not as safe as zero VOC paints they are much better than what was sold in paint stores not too long ago. The paints’ material safety data sheet (MSDS) lists the hazardous materials each paint product contains.

Using paint that is safe for the environment and the inhabitants of the house allows painters to work on interior projects even during winter months. This way homeowners can enjoy the comfort of not having to have to smell the annoying odors as well as the peace of mind that poisonous chemicals are not being released in their house.

Please call or email us to set up an estimate or consultation at 914.762.7874 or info@painttrack.com
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