Repairing Wood With Epoxy

Paint Track recently used Next Generation Systems Dura-Fix Cold Weather Epoxy to repair chipped wood on the customer’s window sill, before the winter set in and further damaged it. This product is very cool to work with and comes in two formulas, the slow cure and cold weather formula. Both epoxies have the same properties, but the cold weather formula is designed to cure overnight in lower temperatures. The dispensing gun that is paired with this epoxy creates a perfect 2:1 ratio to mix the epoxy. This allows an easy mix. Compared to other fillers that are used, this is one of the best we have seen.

Dura-Fix Slow Cure Epoxy

The slow cure epoxy is a two part epoxy compound designed to repair all species of decayed and damaged wood. The epoxy is used on a home’s exterior or interior.  The slow cure formula is perfect for repairing natural wood imperfections, such as open checking, knots, and splits. Due to the no slump formula, the slow cure allows workability on both vertical and horizontal surfaces with large or small repairs.  The epoxy  provides superior bonding strength and long-term durability and  will not harden or become brittle with age. Best of all the formula is non-corrosive and contains no VOC’s.

Dura-Fix Cold Weather Epoxy

The Dura-Fix Cold Weather formula has the same properties as the slow cure, but is able to cure overnight between temperatures of 45-65 degrees. The epoxy can also be used in warmer temperatures of 70-90 degrees for faster cures. Don’t worry if you have not used all of the epoxy in one shot, after it is opened the epoxy has a shelf life of one year and is resealable. 

Using Epoxy On A Window Sill

On this project we used the cold weather epoxy due to the lower temperatures. First, we dug out the rotted wood. Next, we mixed the epoxy and applied it to the rotted areas, molding it to take the shape of the sill. You may need to let the epoxy dry to put another coat. Then once the epoxy is dry we sand it to a smooth finish to fit the shape of the window sill. Lastly we prime the epoxy with a latex primer and paint the finishing coat.

I hope you are able to check out Next Generation Systems products and see why we are so excited!

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