Painting vs. Cleaning Gutters

Painting vs. Cleaning Gutters Preview

Cleaning Gutters

Regular cleaning and maintenance of gutters, leaders, and downspouts can extend the life of the exterior’s paint, aesthetics, and the integrity of your house’s structure. On the first day before we start the preparation and painting of any exterior of a house, a thorough cleaning of the gutters is one of the first tasks to complete.

I have always advised homeowners to make sure their gutters and leaders are securely attached to the house. I also recommend for them to ensure they are clean so rain water can flow down. This ensures the water is lead away from the house without any obstruction. I recommend to our clients to clean gutters frequently (4 x per year). This is to prevent overflow which causes paint failure and wood rot if it persists. The best time to tackle this maintenance is in early spring, late spring, mid-fall, and late fall.

Over the years of our house painting projects, I have witnessed many painted gutters. What people need to recognize is that painted gutter surfaces look far dirtier after a season of weathering exposure versus unpainted ones. Instead of painting your aluminum gutters, their surface exposure should be cleaned with a special cleaning fluid available in hardware stores. A homeowner simply sprays the face with the ready-to-use cleaning fluid. The you must wait for a minute or two.  Finally, you wipe it off with a rag or towel to achieve a shiny brand new look.

Please call or email us to set up an estimate or consultation at 914.762.7874 or
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