Epoxy Flooring

Epoxy Coating Process

Epoxy coating on concrete floors, and more specifically garage floors, have become more popular in recent years. The primary reason for painting the garage floor with Epoxy paints is to provide a clean surface which is an extension of interior living space used for storage. In addition, you can add a small workshop or even park your car on the clean surface. It is overall an easier surface to clean, and it does not create dust like your concrete garage floor usually does

Most of our customers do a mini remodeling of their garage space when they are ready to paint the floor. That is usually painting the ceiling and walls with a white or off-white color, installing some shelving, pegboards, and cabinets.

How To Install Epoxy Floor Coatings

To install a long-lasting epoxy floor coating on a concrete surface, many factors are important and can’t be ignored. Weather, humidity, moisture content of concrete, air and surface temperature are some of those considerations. The following are general steps we follow when doing a facelift to garages.

Our Epoxy process:
– Ask customers to declutter and help them get rid of stuff they no longer need or use.
– Prep and paint the garage ceiling, walls, and trim before starting the floor.
– Mechanically grind the surface of the concrete to remove all loose and peeling coating. On new
concrete grind a layer from the concrete with a scarifying machine to create profile resembling
the texture of medium grit sandpaper.
– Fill any large divots or cracks using an epoxy floor grade filler and grind after it dries.
– Apply a coat of 100% solid Epoxy Pre-Primer/Vapor barrier and let dry overnight. This ensures that
moisture would not rise from underneath to affect the epoxy coating.
– Intermediate Coat – Apply one coat of 100% Solids Epoxy in the desired base color or
Gray or Beige.
– Broadcast flakes immediately to desired ratio. We normally do a full broadcast of flakes
over the base coat.
– Sweep and vacuum the excess flakes completely.
– Finish Coat – Apply one coat of Solids Epoxy Clear within 12-24 hours of Intermediate
– Let the floor dry overnight before foot traffic and at least 5 days before parking car over it.
– Any shelving or cabinet installation can be done the day after the final clear coat is

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