Dutch Boy With Lead: EPA certification

Dutch Boy With Lead

After more than a month of anxiously waiting, I finally received the Paint Track’s EPA certification by official mail yesterday.

I had already received my personal EPA certification when I attended the Lead Safety course about two months ago; however, companies need to be certified along with individuals who perform and supervise the work on pre-1978 buildings within such companies.

Throughout the past few months, I have had many discussions with colleagues and peers in the paint and coating industry. Specifically, regarding the Lead Safety Renovation, Repair, and Painting requirements.  We spoke about requirements set forth by the EPA and how we, as professional painters, need to comply with the newly enacted law. Seasoned painters remember those old days when lead was considered a quality ingredient for paint.  More lead in the can of paint meant better quality! I even heard it was advertised on billboards and posters. Well, I saw one of those advertisements today in a movie setting depicting 1930’s California.

For the past week or so there has been a huge movie crew shooting part of an HBO series on Bank Street in our town. They have turned one of the local stores into a paint and hardware store from the 1930s. It is also interesting and surprising to me that Benjamin Moore was the brand of choice back then on the West Coast. Here are a few pictures of the paint store and the infamous Dutch Boy Lead paint poster:

1930's paint store
Old cars

Please call or email us to set up an estimate or consultation at 914.762.7874 or info@painttrack.com
Check out our Facebook and Instagram or website for more pictures and stories about our past work.
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