A great painting contractor knows the importance of using the right tools for each project. They know proper tools and equipment are crucial to the success of each project.  At Paint Track Painting Services, we make sure that every project is completed with utmost attention to detail and quality. We have achieved this due to our team’s knowledge of the different processes involved. Our toolset includes only top of the line equipment and tools that both increase productivity and help us provide a clean work environment for both our employees and customers. This is where Festool comes in.

Recently our team got featured in Festool’s Spring Megalog for 2017. Festool is a German company that manufactures power tools for painting, carpentry, and many other professions. The company sent a professional film crew to shoot at one of our job sites and conduct interviews with us. Furthermore, we love working with Festool’s products as they create a safer working environment for our crew, and make clean up much easier. In addition, with our Festool Sanders, we are able to reduce the amount of dust that will escape the sander and potentially be left in the surrounding air. Not only have we used their sanders, but we love our Festool lights. Finally, they brighten up any job site we work in and are easily adjustable. If you have not worked with Festool yet, we recommend you give it a try.

Want to see the results? Follow the link to the 2017 Spring Magalog

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